Monday, 15 August 2011


I went to Germany to visit family which was really nice. I stay with my aunt who lives in a tiny village in the country, and I love it because all around you are huge fields and lots of vineyards and trees. Its so easy to forget that I have a job in London or that I need to study, when its such a relaxed lifestyle there.
The photos of the buildings are from a town called Trier - which is the oldest town in Germany. It has these beautiful buildings, all colourful and 17th centuryesque, the town was so pretty it was like a playmobile village! The weather was a bit grim when I went though, hence the rather dull facade to the photos, so they came out as a bit of a disaster to say the least!
Hope you're having good holidays!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sabine, nice blog, I really love your fairy photos as well as your awesome lookbook, keep going, you're great! .)
